Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Tourism, Recreation
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $4,000,000 / min. $1,000,000
Investment Opportunity
The project is about construction and sale of villas in the Iskele/Karpas district in Northern Cyprus. The villas will be located two minutes away from the sea, in a tourist region with no air pollution and very low crime rate.
The project bears no risks and will bring to investors minimum 60% on the money they have invested.
Northern Cyprus, and especially the Iskele-Karpaz district, is considered by many a tourism icon. The population consists mainly of Turkish Cypriots, with an increasing number of foreign nationals.
I own lands in immediate proximity of a shopping centre ın Northern Cyprus (Anfora shopping centre), which also belongs to me.
On these lands I plan to build villas of 120-250 square meters. The construction is to be performed by my own construction company (Anfora construction limited) which has also built my shopping centre.
When building and selling the villas an emphasis will be put on their safety and quality. The site itslef is very safe.
We are going to offer for sale the villas to the Russian market and to some other countries in the region. In Russia there are a lot of people, mainly businessmen, who would like to buy houses in Northern Cyprus on hire purchase basis. The hire purchase I am considering will not pass 4 years.
The advance payment and hire purchase will be paid to my investor. I'd like to deal only with with the consturction. The construction expenditures ın Northern Cyprus are low. However, I need funding to acomplish the construction of the villas.
For example, I can finish a villa of 120 square metres for approximately 60,000-80,000 dollars. The investor can sell it easily for $150,000 or $200,000. Under this conditions the buyer can easily pay the hire purchase in 4 years (A different period could be specified by the investor).
The investor is to provide me with 10%. At the same time the value of the shopping centre and the lands around it will ıncrease, so that both of us will profit.
The investor is to provide me with the financing after assessing the project and convincing himself that it has high potential.
If you are an interested investor, I am ready to speak in more detail. Please, contact me on Merar.
You can watch a video about the region at the following link:
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