Molecular Diagnostics Test-Systems Is Looking for Investors

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

Molecular diagnostics test-systems (kits of reagents). IVD diagnostics world market. Investment needed - 5 000 000 (50,01%) или 2 500 000 (25%).

German company with registered Trade Mark and 10 year experience in sales with manufacturing facilities in Russia would like to expand their sales of innovative test-systems in IVD (molecular diagnostics sector) into world market. The investment is needed mostly for certifications (CE/FDA etc) and supporting centers in several countries.

EXPANSION STAGE of existing business.
Biotechnologies, World market of In-Vitro Diagnostics (Molecular diagnostics sector)Payback period: 2 years

German company with registered Trade Mark and 10 year experience in sales with manufacturing facilities in Russia would like to expand their sales of innovative test-systems in IVD (molecular diagnostics sector) into world market. The investment is needed mostly for certifications (CE/FDA etc) and supporting centers in several countries.

- the innovative product, surpassing in technology, quality, storage and transportations conditions, and in many other parameters compared to analogical products available in the market
- Successful approbation of a product within last 2 years
- The expiration of international patent for such products in 2011 (now the patent belongs to the USA pharmaceutical company)
- Perfect information component – scientific articles, manuals etc.
- 10-years experience of trading all over the world of German company in the market of molecular biology, Life Sciences and Biotech
- Dealer network all over the world as well as network of necessary contacts for prompt expansion of a new product in the market
- A considerable difference of the prices (the cost price of our product is highly competitive compared to analogs)
- Know-how with possibility to patent innovations of technology

The product surpasses in technology, quality, storage conditions, transportations andin many other parameters any other analogs available in the market.
The market is held by the company owning the patent which expires in august 2011.

The world market in 2011 will achieve almost 5 billion dollars. Annual growth is 25-35 % annually.
With the most modest estimations the minimum market share by 2014 is 2 % (100-120 million dollars). In a reality, it is planned to occupy more essential share of the world market (8-10%).

Highly skilled staff, PhDs in molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, managers with the experience of top-managers in the largest international corporations (biotechnology and pharma), perfectly proved German company (Gmbh) within last 10 years, with registered European ТМ, with branches in Europe and South East Asia.

We sell the part of German company.
5 million Euro – 50,01 % (controlling stock)
2,5 million Euro - 25 %
Minority participation could be discussed.
Creation of new structure could be also discussed.
Contact us if you are interested inestors.

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