Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Energy, Natural Resources, Mining
- Stage: Initial growth (first revenues)
- Investment size: $30,000,000 / min. $500,000
Investment Opportunity
The most important thing is that we can tap this fantastic energy and relay it back to the nanoworld's structure by means of a resonance process, similar to the electron, without having to resort to the rather risky chain reaction. The nanoworld's autonomous energy source may be used to power a 'flying saucer', which would not have to refuel every now and then. Besides, the nanoworld may well bring about a revolution in power engineering.
Many works have been written regarding another kind of energy that is contained in a more fundamental structure than microworld and devoid of the aforementioned drawbacks [1-9]. They deal with the energy of vacuum (Maxwell ether), or the nanoworld. Its concentration was already known in the beginning of the previous century. Max Planck showed [6] that the energy in 1m3 of ether (vacuum, nanoworld) had the order of¬ 10 114 Jo (the energy of 1m3 of nuclear fuel is approximately equal to 1018 - 1021 Jo, i.e. 96-93 orders less).
The most important thing is that we can tap this fantastic energy and relay it back to the nanoworld's structure by means of a resonance process, similar to the electron, without having to resort to the rather risky chain reaction. . The nanoworld's autonomous energy source may be used to power a 'flying saucer', which would not have to refuel every now and then. Besides, the nanoworld may well bring about a revolution in power engineering.
Stage 1: creation of a pre-production model of an energy source; implementation of the program "Pikotehnologija"; creation of a pre-production model of the propulsion unit.
Period: 1 year. Development.
Stage 2: release of an experimental batch of energy sources; release of an experimental batch of propulsions unit; creation of a pre-production model of the flying machine.
Period: 2 years. Development
Stage 3: release of an experimental batch of flying machines.
Period: 2 years. Development
Economic benefit of implementation of an experimental batch of energy sources in hundreds times can exceed expenses.
And implementation in transport, power, medicine - gives huge profit.
We invite investors for project arguing.
Now there is a preparation for experiment implementation. Result of experiment: energy source creation.
Competitive Advantage
It is unlimited energy. The small size, not harmful to the person, energy sources, doesn't allocate harmful substances and doesn't demand some traditional fuel.
Application in all kinds of activity of the person.
Will replace all types of energy sources.
Rationale for the deal
The means it is not had.
The real estate also isn't present such size.
We offer participation in business. All your expenses are compensated in 4-6 years completely, and the profit will exceed expenses in tens times.
Use of financing
Our expenses consist of donations litl investors.
Works are spent 15 years.
Opportunity for the investor
There are some small investors.
But the prospect so big that will suffice profit to all.
Especially if to create manufacture in Latvia and to sell to the whole world.
Interested investors can establish connection with us on the Merar network.
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