Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Banking, Finance, Accounting, Insurance
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $500,000 / min. $300,000
Investment Opportunity
Creation of investiture-venture fund on micro financing of projects and transactions.
Business consists in creation of an investment fund, for the purpose of financing "small" business of projects and short-term transactions (tender for example) in Russia. The fund capital will replenish at the expense of profit on the realized projects and the spent transactions, and also by means of additional financial injections from private investors.
Having opened small fund, with the capital 300 000 - 500 000$, there will be a possibility investment 2-3 small projects, and constantly to finance short-term transactions (tender purchases, or intermediary orders), getting profit on a share in business.
The given fund will start to make profit, practically right after creation and if to be more exact, after financing of 1 short-term transaction, usually, at financing of the tender transaction the investor receives 10-15 % from the sum of investments. On constant profit the fund leaves after business projects which have been financed on fund means (3-4 months) will be realized
At present I have:
- Set of partners
- Very much a considerable quantity of the projects which are worthy in different spheres
Cooperation conditions: 65 %/35 % (65 % yours)
On the average the fund will bring 50 %-60 % from the capital in a year.
If my offer has interested, is ready to pass to more detailed conversation, and to hand over to you the information under the most favourable projects, with the minimum risk.
Interested financiers can establish contact with me on Merar.
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