Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Manufacturing
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $3,000,000 / min. $3,000,000
Investment Opportunity
PS-gravel is both an independent product and feedstock for the production of light and "warm" concrete, building blocks and front panels with high thermal insulation characteristics, and which unlike silicate products are not exposed to any moisture.
Amount of needed investments - 3,000,000 EUR, including the cost of the production line, which is 1.75 million EUR
Line capacity for raw materials – 12,000 t/year cutlet for commodity products 80,000 m3/year.
The price of raw materials with the delivery 3,000 RUB/t, the price of commodity products 1,300 RUB/m3 (the price in Europe is 45 EUR/m3).
Production personnel:
Staff will work at shifts of 3-5 people; Servicemen - 2; Production Manager - 1, Accounting; Warehouse; and Sales - 5-7 people.
Total payroll taxes from 14 million RUB / year.
The cost of gas - 1.56 million rubles per year, lease payments - 1-3 million RUB/ year.
Revenues - 104 million RUB / year, EBIDTA - 50 million RUB / year
Characteristics and applications of PS-gravel:
-Insulation of building foundations, substrate auto and railway roads (dimensional stability, high load capacity, low thermal conductivity).
- "Horizontal" application of PS-gravel (insulation of foundations, the substrate of roads, bulk roofing) in combination with a Geotextile is certainly more durable and profitable than traditional insulation of XPS-materials applied now.
- Filling of lightweight concrete and products from it (do not absorb moisture, chemically inert, cold-resistant).
- Production of sheet insulation materials, as well as building blocks (replacement of the expanded clay concrete blocks).
- Technological insulation (pipes, storage tanks, refrigerators, bulk roofing), because of the fact that PS-gravel is nonflammable.
- Underground and high-rise engineering (drainage properties and low weight) - construction of tunnels and tall buildings.
- Soundproofing of roads and buildings (noise absorption, natural appearance).
Aims of the PS-gravel project:
First phase: To start the production line in the Central Federal District.
The Full Phase: Placing the production lines on key federal districts, exit to the European level of 10% of the total processing of cutlet, which corresponds to 5 lines (60,000 t of raw material or 400,000 m3/year) and the inclusion of the new material in the federal, regional and sectoral programs (Rosnano, Sochi 2014, the Road Fund, Affordable housing, Railways).
Investors can contact us on Merar.
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