Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: Russia
- Industry: Medical, Health Care, Pharmaceutical
- Stage: Exit/Sale of the business
- Investment size: $2,200,000 / min. $2,150,000
Investment Opportunity
Sanatorium, located 80 km of Moscow, in Klin district. Real estate of 10 hectares (category of land - "land of specially protected territories and objects", permitted type of use: for placement and maintenance of buildings and facilities (dispensary). The object requires additional investment.
Three-storey brick building;
total area of 1 749.90 sq.m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608681
2. Building № 2
3-story brick building;
total area of 1 827.90 sq.m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608687
3. Economic Building
(Boiler room, transformer substation)
1-storey building;
The total area of 400 sq.m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608682
4. Water Tower
The building is brick
area of 11.3 square meters. m
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608682
5. Water Supply Network
Length of 440 m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608682
6. Heating system
Length of 274 m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608682
7. Artesian well
Depth of 96,8 m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608682
8. Intra-area way with a squire, behind building 2;
Length of 570 m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608684
Sidewalk behind building
№ 1;
Length 44 m.
Length 1330 m.
9. Construction:
Length of 650 m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608683
Outside collector
Sewerage Network
Length of 440 m.
Sewage Treatment Plants (silt floor № 1, 2, 3)
The total area of 13250 m
10. Underground high pressure gas pipeline
Length 4394, 8 pm
Finding the GCF of the village Voronino to Preventorium
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608685
11. Living House
(16 flats)
2-story brick building with a basement;
The total area of 947.60 sq. m.
Property, evidenced by 50 AD № 608686
12. Land
The area of 96,684 sq.m.
Land use - land of specially protected territories and objects "
Legal form of use: for placement and maintenance of buildings and facilities (dispensary "Voronino")
Permission Authority to purchase land for 1 940 000 rub.)
Rent for 49 years;
Land lease contract number 10002-Z on 29.06.2006, registered March 15, 2007
13. Swimming pool Building
2-story brick building, unfinished construction sites
- The act of choice land;
- Expert opinions SES;
- Resolution of the Head of Administration for permission to perform design and survey work;
- Project;
Finally, examination of the foundations, etc.
14. Garage Boxes
7 pieces, brick
In the execution stage
1. Boiler:
- A new boiler;
- Obtained technical conditions for gas supply (boiler with 2 boilers ZiOSaB-500, the total capacity of 1000 kW);
2.Swimming pool:
A) Fulfilled project requirements:
- Topographic work carried out (topographical plan including all objects obtained;
- Prepared documents for the manufacture of the general plan;
3. Ability to purchase 9.6 acres of land at a reduced price (as owners of the buildings).
- Obtained permit issued to purchase land for 1.94 million USD. (10 times the tax rate);
- Opportunity to buy land for 350 000 rubles. (2.5% of cadastral value - in accordance with Clause 1, Article. 2 Federal Law "On Enactment of the Land Code" because the building previously alienated from state ownership)
4. Obtained land plot for construction of 3-storey house for resettlement (in the neighboring village Shevlyakovo):
- permission obtained by the head
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