Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Computer Hardware, Software
- Stage: Expansion/Growth
- Investment size: $40,000 / min. $40,000

Investment Opportunity
I am looking for funding to expand (another retail premises) further down the coast where demand is high for my products of Inkjet cartridges, toners, and associated products including in store recycling.
This is a great opportunity for an investor to make a considerable return. I have been in the business of Inkjet cartridge & Toner sales, and recycling for 8 years, but just over a year ago relocated to Spain with my family as after 2 years of market research in this area found that my particular products were far and away cheaper than anything else available here, and above all, much better quality.
Trading in Spain for a year now all indications are excellent, and I am pleased to say that I am going against the economic climate conditions at present, having gained trust with the local community as a name that can be trusted for price and quality, both in goods and service. Having very little in the way of cash flow due to start up costs and initial stocks and equipment etc, I am looking for a partner or investor to put forward the costs of opening another branch of Costa Cartridge in Marbella (Spain).
The investment will be used in its entirety for rented premises, initial stock, machinery/equipment, advertising etc.
The profit margins in this industry are fantastic, and would welcome any interested party.
Interested investors who wish to receive more information and contact me can do it online on Merar.
Competitive Advantage
The advantage with my products are that I can undercut ANY other competitor in Spain while continuing with healthy margins, and above all still supply a far superior product.
After saying this, there is very little competion here as opposed to say the UK or the USA.
Rationale for the deal
I have made an excellent living for myself and my family over the past 8 years, but it is now time for expansion both in my brand name and in monetry terms.
Use of financing
All investment monies will be used soley for the start up of another retail premisies in a very affluent area of Spain, where cometition is virtually non existant.
This will include deposits and first 6 months of premises rental, initial stock, recycling equipment, liscences and advertising etc.
No investor money will be going on wages as this is a family business, and will be run by family members, and will make money from day one.
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