Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Banking, Finance, Accounting, Insurance
- Stage: Expansion/Growth
- Investment size: $1,000,000 / min. $25,000
Investment Opportunity
1. Client opens his own account with MIG Bank (Swiss Forex Bank)
2. Client grants SmartTrading4u (Total Freedom Inc) with a Limited Power of Attorney that allows us to trade the account
3.Client can login 24/7 using the view only access. This ensures 100% transparency of Management activities.
4.Performance fee will apply over profits each mon
Key Benefits:
1. Fund s remain on client’s name and he has full control over it.
2. Funds are held in MIG Bank - one of the most respected FOREX banks in the world
3. Smart Trading 4U team has over 5 years experience in foreign exchange trading, using several proprietary trading strategies to predict the markets.
4. MIG Bank offers one of the best pricing and execution nowadays, so client’s account is not hindered by excessive dealing costs.
5. Client can login to his account 24/7 using the view only access. This ensures 100% transparency of all Smart Trading 4U Management activities.
6. Client can cancel the LPOA and/or withdraw his funds 24/5. This means 100% funds liquidity and client control.
Our past performance shows more than 50%-60% ROI year
You can have your money at any time.
Our New and improved strategy using
- Low leverage (up 1:5 in most of cases).
- Using up to 20% of invested capital to trade
- No more than 1.0% of your account balance per trade
Performance fee apply 40% - 45% or 50% depending of type of account (size)
Investor decides whether to withdraw or to reinvest in each reported period (thus, generating compounded interest)
Our associate Swiss Depositary and Clearing Bank
Regulated by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) | Fed. Reg. No. CH-645-4096536-3
For more details see attached file.
Competitive Advantage
Why trust in our services?
* Transparency: Our company does not accept any funds directly from its customers. Investor will have an account to his own name at our associate Broker, thus keeping always his money available and under control.
* Serious and Professional: You will rely on a team of highly experienced traders and investment advisors supported by the most advanced tech tools to manage your portfolio.
“We manage investment accounts for clients in a professional manner, always seeking the best value keeping this through strict risk management”
Rationale for the deal
We offer unique trading strategy
If you decide to invest a large amount of money, we can negociate a lower performance fee
Use of financing
Funds are used to fund the investor account and trade in Forex
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