Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: Ukraine
- Industry: Agriculture
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $600,000 / min. $300,000
Investment Opportunity
The project aims to find financing for growing 2-year garlic in Ukraine. It is supposed to plant 15-15-20-25-30 ha in the nearest 5 years
PBP-48 months, NPV-588,100 usd, Profitability - 42,8%, IRR 50,1%, there's not enough garlic of local production in the market. Strong entry barriers.
Feel free to read the attached business plan and contact us for more information.
Competitive Advantage
Unique taste of Ukrainian variety garlic and size of teeth.
Strong entry barrers - growing is expensive in comparison with other crops.
Good quality team - high class agronomist showing perfect results in the fields, head of the project - reach experience in starting new businesses ansd developing them fast.
Opportunity for the investor
Any offers could be considered.
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