Investment Opportunity in Dairy and Beef Farming in Botswana

Opportunity Snapshot

  • Country: Botswana Botswana
  • Industry: Agriculture
  • Stage: Start-up
  • Investment size: $300,000 / min. $150,000
  • Type of investment: Debt

Investment Opportunity

I am looking for an investment partner with experience in dairy (beef) farming. This is a startup project. Funds are needed to purchase cattle, land and feed.

The business will produce milk and beef animals to sell to butcheries, farmers and through auctions. The funds will be needed for buying land, cattle, feeds, feed supplements and medicines. We are currently at the startup stage of the project.

Rationale for the deal

We recognize a huge business opportunity in the mismatch between supply and demand in Botswana. The country imports gallons of milk from neighboring countries as there is no mid or large scale dairy business in the ocuntry.

There is also great demand for beef given that the Botswana Meat Commission (BMC) is exporting meat to Europe, Africa and Asia.

Additionally, the government is encouraging youth do this business. We might have the opportunity to supply government schools with our milk/beef.

We will be selling milk to government schools, wholesalers and public entities, and young cattle to BMC at a good price.

Use of financing

The finance will be needed for buying cattle, land, feeds and medicines.

Opportunity for the investor

We are looking for debt funding in the amount of $300,000.

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