Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: China
- Industry: Education, Training
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $5,500,000 / min. $250,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
Project Locations: China, Indonesia & Singapore. Partnering schools for parallel learning. Assured student pool. Estimated Annual Turnover USD 35 million.
Schools using our delivery methods for English, Mathematic. Business plan & Executve Summary upon request.
Investors will benefit as all the operations and curriculum are in place and ready to kick start on this project.12 months after operation, capital seed investment will be returned and an annual Returns On Investment of about 30%pa. Exit Period Optional
Current collaboration with schools in Singapore, China and Indonesia had greatly encouraged us to use the pedagogy that is trademarked in Singapore, to developed learning centers. However, we are unlike others in this industry. Our business model , R&D, marketing strategies and learning dynamics creates a market niche. There is a guaranteed pool of students from schools who will enrol into the centers set up at locations nearest to them. Our selling point: Because we are working with schools, we understand their marking and grading rubrics that delivers results. Education is recession proof.
Especially in China, with a large population that emphasises on a 1 child policy system, parents will Never compromise on the value of education. Believing to render their child with the best that education can offer, especially in learning English, our programmes is a sure hit in China and Singapore. We have a unique way to collaborate with MNCs and Government sectors as well as school to increase sales and value of our establishments.
Competitive Advantage
Our selling point: Because we are working with schools, we understand their marking and grading rubrics that delivers results. Education is recession proof.
To render support to schools by providing curriculums and support in parallel learning, both in developed and developing countries. Train teachers in their classroom delivery and management using active learning in "Habits of Mind".
Rationale for the deal
Setting up of Learning Centers for student as an additional leverage to propel their understanding apart from the parallel teaching hours at schools
To develop Learning Journeys:
China: Singapore and Indonesian students who wish to master Chinese as a 2nd Language, will be doing a six weeks' course in China as an Holistic Immersion Programme.
Singapore: Indonesian and PRC (China) students will come over to Singapore during their vacation time to master English as part of their Holistic Immersion Programme.
Due to all these learning journeys, we will be able to start a hostel management connection by leasing properties in those states, thus increasing revenue
Main Services
Curriculum development
Lesson planning
School Family Education
At Risk Kids Programme for the school for "latchkey" students
Tutorial Services at centers
Remedial Learning Support at school
Competitors has a different approach as we have a ONE-STOP facilitation. Own our teaching delivery methods. Totally different model
Use of financing
Setup of Centers in China's major cities (Wuhan, Xiamen, Guangzhou, Sichuan, Shanghai), Indonesia (Bandung, Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan)and Singapore. Needed funds for training of personnel/trainers, marketing for alliance with schools, Government sectors, MNCs and Community Centers/ Residential areas.
15 months after operation, full capital repayment. Assuming investment of USD 250,000: full capital returns. After that 5% of the net returns after tax. Estimated Annual Turnover: USD 35,000,000. Exit Period
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