Online Accounting Solution Nearing an ERP

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

A simple but, powerful online accounting software. Multi user, Capable of handling huge volume of data. Starting from simple double entry accounting system up to balance sheet and profit and loss account. Developed under domain

The project us developed using various software components under the domain

Fully functional multiuser online accounting solution. This could be distributed to clients through internet on subscription basis or as client deployable solution.

Its completed up to 90% and only finishing touches have to be given.
Starting from simple double entry, this can generate trial balance, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss account, Various financial figures as Pie Charts, multiple reporting options, invoicing, generate DC and other documents online, send proformas online. Auto email and SMS triggers, payroll and stock management.

Investors can contact us on Merar for more information.

Competitive Advantage

Even if you consider a small percentage of market share, it going to be a big fish. Product developed is much better than other competitive products in the market. Since its our own product from the scratch, future development and customization becomes simple and feasible. Planing to make it a full pledged ERP.

Rationale for the deal

Planning for two solutions. Clients can register and start using the solution online from our server by paying a nominal monthly fee.
Other option is, deployable solution on client's servers.

Compared to the products available on the market , ours is better in many ways. Getting a considerable market share through advertisement is very easy.

Monthly revenue from subscription and selling hosted solutions are going to be the revenue.

Use of financing

Marketing and Advertisement, infrastructure development, help line centers, development and running.

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