Bauxite & Iron Ore Mining

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

Our project refers to core mining of ores which indirectly supports the Indian Real Estate & Infrastructure because it creates input for making Iron, Steel, Aluminium, and Cement. The sector is well organised for 6 months (after the arrest of Reddy brothers) and has a great potential for growth.

We are planning to produce Manganese, Bauxite, Dolomite or Iron Ore. Mines are available in the belt of Madhya Pradesh (India). We have not zeroed on particular minerals because the scale of funding is not sure (we are not certain about how much amount we will be able to attract). The price varies from mine to mine.

Return on Investment is 100% in a 24 months’ time. For example, for an investment of 1$ the profit in 24 months is principally 1$ + profit 1$ = 2$ Profit.

There is shortage of all the ores occurred due to closure of mines in Karnataka, Orrisa and parts of Chattis Garh. Most of the mines are closed due to illegal mining. Now most of the manufacturing units are at underproduction of 30%

This project is at beginning stage. We are in the trading of ores for the last 3 years.

1500000$ is the funding we are looking at stages.

Competitive Advantage

As mentioned, there is no competition. It is well known to everyone that industries which are producing Iron, Steel, Cement and Aluminum are facing acute shortage of raw-materials.

No price advantage can be gained directly because the price is controlled by the international market. However, we our advantage lies in our knowledge and mode of operation within the production line, which enables us to get the optimum as per the approved mining plan.

Rationale for the deal

It is the best time to enter the market because big mine holders and miners are behind the bars and many mines are closed due several factors.

The earnings will be shared as agreed by the investors.

Use of financing

Investment is needed for the purchase of the mining lease.

The investment is required in 2 stages:
1st installment at the time of purchase / transfer of mines
2nd installment to start production

Opportunity for the investor

1st option: Debt investment, lowest rate of interest.
2nd option: Equity investment where we give 50% of the shares and dividend
We will get back double of the amount invested in 24 months.
Silent investor is preferred.
Payback period is 24 months.

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