Investment Project for Bio Fuel & Bio Energy from Waste Plastics

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

The investment project for Production of bio fuel, liquid fuel oil from waste plastics, rubber, tyre etc. and power generation, I have detailed business plan.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY of Bio Energy Project

Project Background

Nature of Industry: Bio Fuel Industry - Non Conventional Energy
Project: Installing of plant & machinery to manufacture Pfuel & Expansion of Bio Diesel Project (fuel from de-polymeration of plastic waste)
Capacity Utilisation: 60% for 1st year and increasing in succeeding years
Cost of Project: 15.71 USD$ lacs
Term Loan Proposed: 13.38 USD$ lacs
Promoters' Contribution: 2.15 USD$ lacs
Market: Domestic & International
D/E. Ratio: 4.52
D.S.C.R.: 2.26
Current Ratio: 2.73

In Tarsadi, a small village in District Navsari of Gujarat State, India - Dharmendra Parekh, armed with a long experience of Research and Development work in the field of non conventional and renewable energy, teamed up with local farmers and other friends floated a company in 2005. The company’s plant was one of the first two Bio Diesel plants commissioned in INDIA using JATROPHA SEEDS during year 2005. In the same time company’s production facilities was state-of- the art.

The company had simultaneously started Jatropha plantations to procure raw material without any interruption. Company have converted the challenging journey of becoming successful in the field of new and renewable energy sources by their dedicated team work by developing technology and products from every by products of the main process.

During this finding new sources of raw material as continuous available in throw away rates feed stock for fuel generation, promoters of the company have carried out R & D work on municipal road waste plastic to generate non-conventional alternate fuel(Pfuel). Today, company have developed new cheap indigenous, environment freindly technology with pilot plant for making fuel from the ROAD WASTE PLASTIC/tyre material, which is generally used as a landfill material to solve the headache of destroying solid waste of the society.

Our aim is to develop commercial practices to reduce non-compost able waste, convert it to energy products as a better product of non conventional energy sourcing raw material. Add more values, making better use of resources and helping to tackle climate change by utilizing new ways of disposing non-compost able waste material of society, instead the conventional highly polluted way of waste disposal in landfills.

If you are an investor, please contact us on Merar fot more information.

The company proposes to install plant & machinery to extract Pfuel (resultant fuel from de-polymeration of plastic/ tyre waste) having annual capacity of 3000 MT @ 100% capacity utilization with carbon black as by product. It is also installing and expanding plant and machinery to extract and process non edible oil seeds mainly - Jatropha seeds having capacity of 3000 MT with Crude Glycerol and Oil cake as by products.

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