Granite Quarry - Seeking Investment on Debt/Equity basis

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

I own the Granite Quarry lease of 2 hectares from Govt of Telangana for 20 years. Developed 15% of quarry. Funding is needed for continuing the work.

I own the Granite Quarry lease of 2 hectares from Govt of Telangana for 20 years. We have developed 15% of quarry and sheet formation is visible. Funding is needed for production work. Looking for a debt or equity based investment with exit option in 3-5 years.

This 2 Hectare quarry contains huge deposit of Black Granite stone. All the requisite permission and mining licences are valid till 2036. We will be extracting Raw Blocks from the quarry and selling them. The production is on a very long term basis. The extraction of Granite will continue for at least two decades.

Competitive Advantage

Black/Dark green granite is always has demand in construction such as housing apartments, shopping complexes and business parks. We are expecting huge deposits in our quarry.

Rationale for the deal

Black and Dark Green colored granite is always in demand.

Use of financing

Capital of USD 300,000/minimum of USD 150,000 is required for production work. We have spent the initial capital on paper work, development work by leasing the machinery. We are flexible in terms of the type of the investment. The investor can choose either Debt or Equity route with option of exit in 3-5 years.
Equity: Proportionate share will be given from the net income (shared quarterly basis) with option of exit (get your full principal amount) in 5 years.
Debt: ROI and Exit plan can be discussed.

Opportunity for the investor

The opportunity for the investor is huge as it is a very long term project of 20 Years.

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