Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Food, Beverages, Tabacco
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $250,000 / min. $250,000
Investment Opportunity
The project idea is to launch a brand of diet tasty foods in the market and to make it famous among Indian youngsters. We are aiming to produce different types of diet meals, which will be so healthy and less fat. Our team is looking to launch outlets of diet meals and in big metropolitian cities of India. The funding is required for the full project to start.
We are aiming to produce Indian food diet meal, it will have office ,home delivery service.
Cash back period will be 1 year.
It is a good business idea because its a food business which people cant leave eating and its everybody needs, people will leave wearing cloths but cant stop eating healthy food.
Investor will be the 50% partner of the business
This will sell in today’s market because first this is healthy tasty diet food, and so much publicity will be done on national TV channels to make it famous.
The project is in very initial stage where only the food types are already decided.
No additional funding is needed.
Interested investors can contact us on Merar.
Competitive Advantage
McDonalds, Dominos, Pizza Hut, KFC and all other private restaurants are the main competitors.
My idea is very new - to launch a diet tasty food in a commercial way, where everybody is very health continuous so my diet tasty food will be the talk of the town. And my food will be the same rate as their, my food will be of more higher food value than any pizza or burger from McDonalds or Dominos.
My food will be Indian masses appealing food which will be in great demand even in the offices also, very fast delivery services will make it sell more than all others, our strategy of brand making will make it look modern and with the trends.
The competitors can’t repeat our food because as they are already established in there type of branding and I am going do it in a different brand. Above all it’s a food business for which the demand is always 100% and the profit is always 200%.
India is right now in a booming period and it’s the best time to launch new eatable brands over here so that we’ll establish the brand name in coming two years. People will buy franchise from us later.
Rationale for the deal
As its food business so the profit is 200% the sale is 100%. Here is my opportunity.
The money will be made by selling the food in affordable price so that we get plenty business and cook the healthy quality food in a cheapest price so that we earn more n make money.
Yes, McDonalds and Pizza Hut, Dominos, they all make huge money by selling food costing 50rs at home, in 400rs to the customers.
Use of financing
Investment is needed for all the requirements, which are needed to launch this new brand in food diet tasty food. Like advertisements shoots, photo shoots, hoardings, PR, advertisements on the national television, press-conferences, opening outlets in the big cities of India like Mumbai, Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai.
The project will be financed in instalments according to the money needed in different stages of establishment.
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