Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Food, Beverages, Tabacco
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $1,000,000 / min. $250,000
- ROI: 22% in 5 years
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity
Investment Opportunity
Farm fresh milk has a niche market opportunity in the city of Chennai. Land is secured. Funding $1 million in equity or debt needed for procuring animals and equipment.
We are setting up a 400-500 Cow farm and milk packaging unit in SRIKALAHASTI, near Chennai. The unit will produce about 1.2 million litres of fresh milk per year. The farm, once completed will be the largest commercial farm in South India.
The milk will be distributed in Chennai as a branded farm fresh milk at a premium price point. We estimate an annual revenue of 8 Crores in the first full year of operation and an EBITDA upwards of 18%.
We have already secured 40 acres of land with very good water facilities for the project. We are looking for an equity or debt investor for $ 1 million dollars.
Competitive Advantage
1. We have 40 acres of land which has abundant ground water. Hence, we will have cost advantage in Animal's feed. As we plan to grow our own feed, we can ensure that there is a continuous supply.
2. Located just 100 kilometresaway from our Target market - Chennai which is the fourth largest metropolitan city in India with a population of over 20 million.
Use of financing
To procure animals, equipments and build infrastructure.
Opportunity for the investor
Equity participation.
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