Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Internet, eBusiness
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $500,000 / min. $100,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
The web portal facilitates trade between various communities separated geographically. It is a social venture with both good financial and huge social benefits.
Ultimately, everyone is a winner including customers and investors.
The web portal facilitates trade between various communities separated geographically. The portal is backed up by network of people right up to the grass root level to render various services.
Each vendor chooses their own payment and shipment options, product categories, and uploads details about their products / services after registration, which is duly verified. Upon successful sale by a buyer who locates and opts for these products, the seller receives the money after the products are delivered.
A huge turnover is expected for this portal since, wide categories of products are chosen. Market tie ups are also in the offing.
Technologies provide the key support along with field force at various levels.
Multiple streams of income. The financial returns are many fold. In five years time, the investment would grow by several times.
One version of the portal was developed but redevelopment on Cloud computing is about to start.
Funds are required for redevelopment and establishment of the web portal.
Competitive Advantage
A to Z system, wide products and varieties, fresh, graded, high quality, hygienic / clean, packaged, ..
Backed by brick and mortar as well.
Rationale for the deal
Uniqueness, pioneer, key tie ups, ...
Membership fees, margin on sales, .. are some of the streams of income
Use of financing
Redevelopment of software, deploying the web portal with add-on services by the network of people.
Initial investment required is only US $ 100,000 and monthly rest of the amount is required over 6 months period.
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