Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Internet, eBusiness
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $200,000 / min. $200,000
- Type of investment: Debt

Investment Opportunity
Property search website in need of investor. We are offering 40% share and looking an investor who can invest capital in Indian Rupees.
We have started a Real Estate website. Investment is sought to boost marketing and make this website the largest of its kind in the Indian market.
We have an established team and are looking to hire additional staff. We are located in Bhopal, (West) MP, India. We have started a Real Estate website similar to 99 Acres, Magic Bricks & India Property.com that enables the public to directly buy, sell and rent their own property.
The business is mainly focused on real-estate advertisement such as:
• Builder’s projects
• Builder’s advertisements
• Agents’ property listing
• Loan providers’ offers
• Individual property listing
• Vastu Shastra
• Interior decorator’s advertisements
We will become the India’s No 1 free Property Website and we will be the only Property Website in India offering so many new features.
On our website people will be able to buy and sell property for free and find various other related service providers.
We will earn from real-estate related advertisement on our site such as:
• Top image, Project gallery, Advertisement gallery ads on Home page & City page
• Builder’s logo & projects advertisement on every room wise Chat Rooms
• Builder’s project ads on Group home buyers page
• Project advertisement on Hot Deal Section
• Ads on Discussion Board
• Ads from networking with Start business with zero investment program
• Loan providers & Interior decorator section ads. etc
We are targeting the Indian market firstly and plan to then slowly move worldwide.
There is no No. 1 Property website in the world and we want that place.
We will expand worldwide with the geo targeting method of IP mapping country wise.
We are developing this website and are seeking funds to advertise and bring this business forward.
Our Need: 10 Crore Rupees
Our Advertisement will be on:
• Newspapers
• Television
• Google Search
• Facebook Link Pages
• Email (free friends invite while registration from email contacts)
Firstly, we will start with collecting data and encouraging agents and builders to list their property for free.
Secondly, we will start advertisement on newspapers to generate traffic flow on our website.
Thirdly, once traffic starts coming in than we will come forward with massive Television Commercial ads which will further boost the traffic. Then our actual earning will get boosted as well.
Competitive Advantage
All the above mentioned websites don't provide free features for property listing, neither do they provide direct contact between buyer and sellers.
We have introduced new features to our website which no other property website has. Examples include Free Property listing, Discussion Board, Chatroom, and Video Ads.
We have the Copyright for all the features and the design of the website.
Rationale for the deal
We have introduced new features to our website which no other property website has. Examples include Free Property listing, Discussion Board, Chatroom, and Video Ads.
We have the Copyright for all the features and the design of the website.
Use of financing
Investment required for the business to proceed:
We have are creatingour website and need funds to promote Marketing and to run this business further.
• Office Expenses
• Server and Internet bandwidth usage
• Employee expenses
• Advertisement in Google, Newspaper.
Opportunity for the investor
The investment requied is 12 Crore rupees.
The investor will get 40% of the business profit.
Expected profit of the business will be 100 Crores and more
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