Railway & Traffic Updates via Missed Calls and SMS Updates

Opportunity Snapshot

  • Country: India India
  • Industry: Telecommunications
  • Stage: Seed
  • Investment size: $167,000 / min. $15,000
  • ROI: 68% in 3 years
  • Type of investment: Equity

Investment Opportunity

We propose to set up a telecom infrastructure using a combination of toll-free numbers, mobile apps, website and SMS for free delivery of Suburban Rly. &Traffic Updates.

We propose to set up a telecom infrastructure using a combination of toll-free numbers, mobile apps, website and SMS for free delivery of Suburban Rly &Traffic Updates.

Mumbai Suburban Commuter Statistics
• 8 mn use Mumbai’s Lifeline daily
• 4 mn commute via Road network
• High Mobile penetration
• Almost all have some form of Mobile device
• Not all have smartphones
• Not all have internet access on phones

Suburban Services
• Lack of Reliable, Real Time updates of Services / Traffic Conditions
• Information is only accessible via TV, Radio & Website, Mobile apps
• Missed call to Toll Free Numbers
• Receive status update via SMS
Services can be availed by commuters with basic phones, too.
All SMS’s sent will be appended with sponsor’s brand tagging
Example for a CR Update SMS: “Overhead wire snapped at Dadar jn; slow trains affected; fast trains running late due to diversion ICICI Bank”
Sponsoring customer would pay per SMS sent as per the time slots chosen.
• Acquired approvals from Railways and Traffic Dept. for real-time updates from Control room
• Promote awareness Advertisements on Radio / Train signage's / BusBoards, Newspapers
• Railways to promote the service via Hoardings, Digital Display in the Trains
• Callers with access to internet / smartphones can register via web / mobile-app and subscribe to free periodic updates without making calls

Competitive Advantage

Competitive landscape:
We understand there are a handful of sources that the consumers can resort to get “unverified” and ‘unofficial’ information on the same lines that we intend to provide. This is where we differentiate by sourcing the information literally from the horse’s mouth. We would like to be perceived as “Authentic Information at your fingertips at no charge”.

Direct Competition is virtually non-existent.

Exclusive arrangements with Railways and Traffic departments for access to Control Room creates entry barrier.
Services can be availed by commuters even with basic phones–no competition from Apps.
Free call for callers is an added advantage.
Services like Traffline get updates from unverified sources like other commuters and there is a delay in information transmission

Barrier to entry:
Railways have given exclusive rights to our company to have our representative seated in the control room to capture and upload the latest update on our database which will be broadcasted to the callers who call after that update.

Rationale for the deal

Market size, opportunity and growth potential:
The target audience for this phase would be the commuters in Mumbai who use the Suburban trains and even those who drive to work. The total Local Train commuters exceed 7.5 million whereas commuters who drive daily in Mumbai are around 4 million every day

The proposition and key USPs (Unique Selling Points):
Tie up with Railway and Traffic department to make the information available to common man through a missed call. The will then get an SMS free of charge with the latest update appended with a Sponsor tagging.

Use of financing

Sales & Marketing - 28.4%
Capital expenses/ Product - 18.9%
Operation Expenses - 10.5%
Cost of Services Year 1 - 2.4%
Salaries - 32.0%
Working capital for Year 2 - 7.8%

Opportunity for the investor

Be the part of a growth story that impacts the lives of the commuters in Mumbai

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