Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Energy, Natural Resources, Mining
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $1,000,000 / min. $100,000
- ROI: 18% in 6 years
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
We have secured potential hydroelectric power plant in Indonesia that can generate power 150 MW ( 2 x 77 MW ). The buyer is government electrical enterprise.
We have secured potential hydroelectric power plant with capacity 150 MW, located in North Sumatra in Indonesia where at moment facing a lack of electric supply and high demand in electric supply. Total project cost is USD 200.000.000.
We have finished Pre- Feasibility Study (Pre- FS) and we need to move forward to detail Feasibility Study which will cost USD 1.000.000. Once we have detail FS we can apply to have development financing to finance institution which already contacted us and interest with the project. The development will take time around 4 years. Power Purchase Agreement with government will be as long as 30 years.
Competitive Advantage
Hydroelectric power plant project in Indonesia using bottom up system, not a bidding system, whoever explore potential site may develop the site into hydroelectric power plant.
Indonesian government targeting additional 35.000 MW of power plant and 25% come from renewable energy.
The only buyer of the electric output is Government Electrical Enterprise with buying price as issued regulation. We are not facing a tight competition in the industry.
Rationale for the deal
Our team have 20 years experience in exploring potential site to developing site into well operated hydroelectric power plant. Government issued regulation in electric buying price and Power Purchase Agreement.
We are in the path that power plant development is fully support by government. Foreign investor also legally may have majority share in power plant generate more than 10 MW company.
Use of financing
We need partner to finance our detail FS, once we have detail FS we can apply together with our partner to finance institution to have full development finance.
Financing may take in 5 round or more base on the progress.
The Pre- Development finance will be as detail below (in USD)
1. Feasibility Study    590.000
2. Site survey and socialization    320.000
3. Land status clearance     958.000
4. Licenses     772.000
- Principal Permit
- Location permit
- Public electric producer permit
- water surface usage permit
- Construction permit
- Weir permit
- Environmental study and permit
- Special load road permit
- Reservoir Permit
5.Detail Engineering Design        378.000
6. Power Purchase Agreement
Total     3.018.000
Opportunity for the investor
We offering our partner to have a majority share in the company and we all together take responsibility in the project. Investor may involve in day to day project movement or as silent investor.
The project development will take around 4 years and return of investment after 6 years operate.
We are also open to any discussion regarding an investment.
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