Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Energy, Natural Resources, Mining
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $100,000,000 / min. $100,000,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
Investor is needed for combined cycle power plant, capable to produce 500 MGW of electricity using two natural gas turbines along with one steam turbine.
We would like to take this opportunity to inform you that our consortium, which is composed of two reputable and reliable active companies - Ronak Sazan Hoor and Andazyar Engineering Co., have won the contract and now have a formal Licence from Iranian government to establish a combined cycle power plant in Kurdistan province of Iran.
It should be mentioned that its capacity is increasable to 1000 MGW .
The specifications of the project:
A Combined Cycle (Gas Fired) Power plant Project of 500 – 1000 MW
Scope of Services (Turn-Key):
1. Project Design and complete Engineering
2. Arrangement of all equipment and machinery
3. Construction of all facilities including foundations, civil work, buildings, on site grid station, etc.
4. Plant erection, installation and commissioning
5. Trial run and full operation
6. Training of local staff
7. Ongoing operation and maintenance of plant for the life of maintenance agreement (if any).
Fuel Type:
Natural Gas
Fuel Supply:
By the host government under PPA. Project developer will also be allowed to arrange its own supply line. The cost of fuel will be considered variable and will cover the variable cost factor in the PPA.
Financial Summary:
The total cost of project will NOT be financed or provided by the host government, but the 75% of the total cost of the project will be finance by other private foreign investors via the government .The recovery of capital and profits will be generated through the sale of produced energy to Iran and Iraq government under a PPA, signed in between the department of powers and the project developer and this PPA will be endorsed by the power ministry of the host government.
Host government will provide safe transport of equipment and personnel in-country.
Client/Host Government’s Primary Obligations:
The host government/client shall be obligated to provide, including but not limited to, the following:
a. Fully developed land site, approved by the engineering department of the project developer.
b. All permits, licenses, registrations and government approvals for construction, operating, fuel and water supply
c. All environmental permits and approvals to build and operate the plant at the proposed/approved site.
d. Connections to electric power and water sources during construction and commissioning
e. Connections to the nearby High Voltage transmission lines for the distribution of the produced electricity
f. Government certification for granting of residence visas for the foreign personnel and their families
g. Government certification to allow the transfer of capital and profits in the chosen currency without any limitation or restriction through the normal banking channel in place in the host country
h. Exemption of any/all kind of taxation for the entire period of agreement
i. All importation of equipment and materials for the project shall be customs and duty free.
As you are informed Iran has huge resources of natural gas.
Investors can contact us on Merar.
Competitive Advantage
We definitely can assure you that this strategic project will have no risk regarding the profitability because the Iran and Iraq governments specially Kurdistan regional government of Iraq as part of the contract are ready to purchase the electricity produced by the aforementioned power plant at least for 20 years .So the project highly feasible and has the lowest risk and highest income
At the moment we are seeking for an esteemed financier or Bank or other entity which has available funds to participate in our project as a partner or in a form of loan .we are in need to receive $200 million credit for investment for fulfilling the mentioned project.
Please inform us the possibility from your side to participate with us in this case.
It should be mentioned that the total funds needed for the project is up to $1 billion.
We want you to review our enquiry with a positive attitude and let us know your interest about the mentioned project.
Rationale for the deal
The total amount for the project is $1billion ,but for the first stage wee need $200 million
Use of financing
1. Project Design and complete Engineering
2. Arrangement of all equipment and machinery
3. Construction of all facilities including foundations, civil work, buildings, on site grid station, etc.
4. Plant erection, installation and commissioning
5. Trial run and full operation
6. Training of local staff
7. Ongoing operation and maintenance of plant for the life of maintenance agreement (if any).
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