Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: Israel
- Industry: Energy, Natural Resources, Mining
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $3,000,000 / min. $2,500,000
Investment Opportunity
The project proposes to use the internal planetary electromagnetic field of the Earth. The object of production (which strive to produce). Transforming units (elements) that will produce electrical energy. Process automation station. Installation device.
Necessary to finance a $ 2.5 ... $ 3.0 million.
The aim of the project is to provide electrical energy environmentally friendly way that is not a big transformation of the initial cost of the energy carrier to electricity at any time of day.
The project proposes to use the internal planetary electromagnetic field of the Earth.
The object of production (which strive to produce)
Transforming units (elements) that will produce electrical energy. Process automation station. Installation device.
What do I need to run.
Development of automation systems, devices, components, mounting devices, conducting extensive testing and
improvement of methods.
Necessary to finance a $ 2.5 ... $ 3.0 million
Transforming units (elements) that will produce electrical energy. Process automation station. Installation device. Process automation station. Installation device.
- Necessary to support research, design and technological documentation, testing in various operating conditions, marketing works.
- The project offers the cheapest way to get continuous electricity known. The project will enable it to recoup until the product. The profitability of the project can not be overstated.
What makes this product a good business idea?
The project does not provide for an expensive cell technology (for solar), does not use the energy of the elements, burning what - or fuels. It is a very cheap, continuous, endless and unlimited way to generate electricity - making it an excellent business idea. It will produce energy in any amount in open areas and in inaccessible environments.
Unlike all other products of this project is inexhaustible for the investor. All kinds of markets are determined by this project.
Currently, the authors developed a new method based electricity generation using internal planetary electromagnetic field of the Earth. The authors produced a current element of the device 10 x 12 cm and produced a pilot test layout, which demonstrated the reality of a new way.
Competitive Advantage
Competitiveness. The authors believe that the project has no competitors on the market today. Any energy company finds it necessary to have the project. We believe in the superiority of his project, as currently no known competitor. But this method can take place under certain circumstances and those of competitors.
Rationale for the deal
The group of authors do not have the necessary financial capacity to continue the case and is ready to hold negotiations on mutually beneficial terms of cooperation, including the size and cost of our services.
Use of financing
Funding necessary to conduct research - 0.7 .. 1.0 million dollars. Development - engineering works - 1.0 ... 1.2 million dollars. Technological design and production of production - 0.5 ... 0.7 million dollars.
The group of authors did not have enough experience in program production and will confidently carry out their duties.
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