Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Agriculture
- Stage: Expansion/Growth
- Investment size: $1,100,000 / min. $800,000
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
An investment in the amount of 1,100,000 is needed to expand the company and further operate a logging concession in Liberia.
We are a registered company that was established for the express purpose of operating a Logging Concession. We have been engaging in logging operations since 2010 on Forest concessions awarded to Us by the Government of Liberia.The operations involves felling of round logs, extraction, hauling to the sea port in readiness for export. As our experience in this business has grown tremendously over the years, it was deemed necessary to carryout an expansions. We require funding to acquire additional equipment, site establishment and working capital.
Our present Forest Concession of operations is located at No 1 compound Grand Bassa County. Our company has started operation on it after she won a competitive bidding for the award of this concession by the Liberian Government that was put up in 2010 under the supervisory body of the Forest Development Authority.
We have exported over 60,000 cubic meters of round logs in the last 6 years and majority of the shipment destinations were China, India, Turkey and Germany. The Chinese and Indians buyers are our biggest off takers and the reason being that China and India are hosting the largest Timber market in the world and their demands far exceeds our level of present productivity. Thus requiring our need to expand so as to scale the level of production.
The major species that are exported from our Concessions are Iroko, Niagon, Makore, Tali, Ekki, Naga, Tetra, Dahoma and other marketable species of high value. This species of round logs are of a very high demand globally especially in China and India.
Investment in the Logging sector is considered to be of low-risk because it involves the taking of physical inventories and your data information can clearly give you a picture of the profits you are sure to expect from a concession area.
Returns from forestry has been respectable and remarkable.
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