Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
Turks and Caicos Islands
- Industry: Agriculture
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $1,000,000 / min. $500,000
- ROI: 25% in 5 years
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
Looking for an Investor to partner with us to setup up a chicken farm in the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean. 25% ROI
This Project is designed grow Layers, which are chickens bred and raised to produce eggs, and broilers, chickens raised and bred to be slaughtered to sell on the local market in the Turks and Caicos Islands (Supermarkets, Hotels and the General Public)
Stocks will be imported from the United States.
The business will be computerized for easy reference, control of inventory, sales, services and good administration.
Location of Project:
The project will be located on Providenciales Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean (see Map) centralized area. The area of the site will be accessible to all.
What are the objectives of the project?
To sell Whole chickens. Chicken Parts and eggs to all supermarkets, Hotels and the general public a Point of Sales Systems will be installed for inventory control.
To run a successful business by covering the operational cost, making a minimum of 100 % profit from goods sold and satisfy customer needs.
To equip staff in becoming more knowledgeable about how chicken farms operate, whereby they can function more effectively.
Training and experience of all involved in the project.
All staff will be trained eventually to operate the chicken farm for production of eggs and whole chicken and chicken parts
How will the products be sold?
Ultimately there are two types to choose from: broilers, which are chickens, raise for meat, or layers--chickens raise for their eggs. The products will be sold by 1 or 2 sales persons visiting the customers (Hotels, Supermarkets, the general public making sales.
Where will the group provide the services?
Services will be provided from a central location in Providenciales Turks and Caicos.
How will the product and services reach the customers?
By delivery, sales from business location, and upon request
List the target set for production each week for sales and services in the business
Although it is difficult to make adequate projections it is estimate that sales and other charges should be approximately $50,000.00 to $100.000.00 per week
What is needed to set up the project?
Land 3-4 aces will be lease from the Government until purchase
Startup Inventory
Business license fees
Telephone installation
Equipment use on chicken Farms
Access to water
Power installation
Cash on hand
Cost will be applied to the above items it’s not known at this time
This is a rough draft.
Competitive Advantage
At this time there is no poultry processing farms in the Turks and Caicos and we will be the first.
Rationale for the deal
Ultimately there are two types to choose from: broilers, which are chickens, raise for meat, or layers--chickens raise for their eggs. The products will be sold by 1 or 2 sales persons visiting the customers (Hotels, Supermarkets, the general public making sales.
Use of financing
Land 3-4 aces will be lease from the Government until purchase
Startup Inventory
Business license fees
Telephone installation
Equipment use on chicken Farms
Building of water Tanks
Power installation
Small Office Building
Storage for live chickens
Cash on hand
Employees Pay
It is estimated that the above will cost around $350,00.00
Opportunity for the investor
The Investor can be a Partner in the business owning 30% to 40% shares. my contribution will be to get the Business license and get the land 3 to 5 aces for the project. The investor will be offered 30 to 40% of the business and as a partner in the business the investor can be hands on or silent, the installments can be discuss when we find an investor.
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