Investment Project for Waste-incineration Plant

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

To accomplish construction of waste-incineration plant (WIP) and to realize, the commodity production obtained due to the utilization of waste products: electrical energy, distilled water, building materials, carbonic acid dioxide, and dry ice.

For the purpose of the creation of profitable production on the market for on processing of any forms of waste product utilization, specialists of the ecological company “ECCO” LLC is proposed the new concept of the construction of the economic model of processing the by-products: to examine waste products as the source of electrical energy and beyond this basis to create new productions, with obtaining of ready production.

Therefore, LLC “ECCO” offers creating complex industries including:
- Waste processing plant to process 80,000 tons of waste per year;
- Station on the generation of electrical energy with power to 5-6 mega- watts per year;
- Line on the production of the distilled water of 650 000-1 000 000 tons per year;
- Line on the production of carbonic acid dioxide and of dry ice ~ of 200 tons per year;
- Line on the production of building materials from the ashes, obtained from the utilization of the waste products (brick, sidewalk tile, road border) of 8000 tons per year;

If necessary:
- Line on the selection of nonferrous and ferrous metals (sorting) with the delivery specification of solidly household and industrial trash.

As a result processing by-products at the waste incineration plant, is possible the complete liquidation of the existing ranges for storing the waste products, since proposed technology completely utilize the waste products of any forms. Is if necessary possible the recultivation of the earth, which were used under the ranges for the purpose of their further use for construction purposes.

For the realization of the project “ECCO” LCC it is intended to attract investment of the sum total ~ of 60 million US dollars.
According to preliminary calculations, the project payback is 6-7 years.
Construction of waste - incinerator complex 2.5 -3 years.
Creation of new jobs of 200 units.

Contact us on Merar if you are interested investor.

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