Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Agriculture
- Stage: Initial growth (first revenues)
- Years in operations: 11, Employees: 5
- Investment size: $500,000 / min. $250,000
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity
Investment Opportunity
With over 3 years of technology development, our company is now ready to implement its marketing plan to reach large commercial operations and small individual growers.
We have developed an industry leading intelligent sensor technology for the hydroponics market. The technology is patent pending and has been fully tested.
This sensor technology enables up to 65,000 sensors to be wirelessly connected and reported to a tablet, smart phone or command center. The network is reliable, offers redundancy and is secure. When one node no longer operates for any reason, the other nodes still communicate with each other to report their status.
The user can build the system to fit their needs whether it is 10,000 lights or a single room. The software is very user friendly enabling the user to customize the reporting to their specific needs. Control CO2, temperature, humidity, pH levels or other factors, the Smarter Environmental Control system does it all.
The Company is seeking a qualified investor to invest a minimum of $250,000 to a maximum of $500,000 to enable the implementation of the marketing plan. The company has many grow stores and distribution channels interested in the SG Sensors product line.
Competitive Advantage
We work in the Mesh Network and do a better job of controlling the agricultural hydroponic environment. The sensors correct issues immediately when triggered not requiring immediate intervention by the grower. The use of those sensors increase the crop yield and lower losses. The product line pricing is less than the competition while delivering more features and benefits.
Rationale for the deal
Technology is completed and possesses no risk. Management team has over 100 years of combined high technology management experience. Huge and growing market in crop hydroponics. Legalization of medical marijuana in 22 U.S. states will increase hydroponics use. International use of hydroponics is dramatically increasing. Our company plans to launch the product line January, 2014.
Use of financing
Build up of our product line inventory to prime the distribution channels.
Marketing of the product line including public relations, direct marketing displays in growing stores, limited advertising in agriculture and hydroponics online magazines and websites, attendance in key hydroponics trade shows, sales & marketing expenses to reach grow stores in targeted states and miscellaneous marketing expenses. Based on our financial forecast, one round of financing will be required with the Company becoming cash flow positive within 3 quarters.
Opportunity for the investor
Equity or debt/equity investment. Executive Summary available to qualified investors.
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