Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: USA
- Industry: Business services, Consulting
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $100,000 / min. $100,000
Investment Opportunity
We are looking for investors, offering a perspective investment opportunity for business products and services with five stellar components.
The idea of the business project includes: retail B2B, e-commerce, revnue sharing, high tech kiosk and auto dealer themed sales events.
Strategic + Tactical Business Plan
‘‘Outside the Box’’ Marketing Concepts
(Developing and Executing Strategic Business-to-Business
Marketing Plans that include: Creative Design, Printing, Email Marketing, Retail Marketing, Advertising, E-Commerce, Retail B2B, High-Tech Revenue Sharing, Direct Mail, Fulfillment, Advertising and Promotional Items, all Printing Products, and Auto Dealer Themed Sales Events)
Competitive Advantage
Guaranteed 25 % off the printing costs - it this condition is not fulfilled, the whole order is free. A superior 24/7 customer service and turnaround time is also provided.
Rationale for the deal
Key to our masterplan success also include but are not limited to:
- creating and promoting high-tech marketing kiosks, which will initially be used to penetrate large retail market chain stores
- auto dealer themed sales events
- offering retail business-to-business (B2B) services with concierge service
- offering small and medium sized independent businesses revenue sharing with a price guarantee of at least 25% less than the competition
- developing an e-commerce division with the best prices and customer service to sell promotional and printing products for at least 25% below all other internet printing companies, with a firm best price and quality guarantee and 24/7 customer service and email marketing.
Across their business lines, the company will penetrate the market of developing and executing strategic business-to-business marketing plans, offering products and services including: creative design, printing, advertising, direct mail, fulfillment, promotional items, high-tech kiosks, retail B2B, ecommerce, and revenue sharing with thousands of retail organizations.
The founders also recognize the value in offering a professional staff of experts who possess the creative skills and abilities to help business owners increase their revenues through the implementation of affordable yet effective marketing strategies. ‘‘Outside the Box’’ Marketing Concepts will serve its core areas of business, working to make its operations more productive while at the same time controlling expenses.
Use of financing
After careful deliberation we have decided that we can bootstrap the entire company through the cash flow of our beta test strating on may 15, 2011 for $95,000.00.
The investor in consideration will have two paybacks – we’ll pay 7,25 % interest for one year and also the investor will recieve penny warrants or any other instrument to recieve 5 % of the company „outside the box” marketing concepts. For a ROI of 500 % ($475,000.00) to be redeemed on january 1, 2014. .
The use of the funds is as follows :
During the period of may 15 – june 15, 2011, the company will recieve little or no revenue as the first 30 days will be utilized for training, hiring, website linkeing, new homepage, etc.
1. Salaries : administrative assistant - of $1200.00 per month, CEO - $2,000.00, website design and linkup - $2,000.00;
2. Incorporation fees, professional fees, office equipment, rent - $15,000.00;
3. Paid training – 24 total executives – for one month - =$28,800.00
Total administrative expenses for the 30-day period - $49,000.00.
June 15, 2011 – september 15, 2011 expenses :
- Rent -$3,000.00,; salaries - $9,600.00
- Internet marketing for beta test for the market - $6,000.00
- E-mail marketing - $3,000.00
Total administrative expenses for the period june 15, 2011 – september 15, 2011=$41,600.00.
Total use of funds : $70,600.00 ($4,400.00 for misc). Fees and operating expenditures – total : $95,000.00.
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