Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Manufacturing
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $300,000 / min. $60,000
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
We are working on transitioning into an injection modelling manufacturing process and therefore we need 300k to cover start-up tooling and material costs.
CompoKeeper LLC is a seed-stage family owned company in Boulder, CO that designs & develops convenient and sanitary waste storage solutions.
Our company has developed a highly innovative product/solution for convenient and sanitary compost & waste storage indoors.
Our patent pending product is the only container equipped with a mechanism that seals and unseals a disposable liner by taping a foot pedal or turning a hand lever.
This unique technology allows consumers to store objectionable waste in a ziplock-type bag without needing to handle the bag between uses, therefore, lessoning the work, worry and frequency of bag changes. This product offers a solution to the "ick factor" – the fear that storing compost and other objectionable wastes indoors leads to foul odors, pesky pests and messy clean-ups.
Initially designed for short-term indoor compost storage, our in-depth research has indicated that this product can be sold as a specialty item (and offers a significant competitive advantage over all other products) in the compost, trash, diaper, and pet waste markets. It offers convenient, simple, & trustworthy containment. We've designed this container in three sizes for a variety of settings and spacial applications in both residential and commercial sectors.
Prototype field tests and samples have consistently yeilded positive feedback. Interested parties & organizations being pursued include Eco-Cycle, Eco Movement, CompostMania, Greener Country, Get Green Recycleworks, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Green Depot, Whole Foods, SF Department of Environment & more
Compost Market Highlights- Newest Market/Largest Growth Rate: National rate of composted organic matter was 20% in 2006, up from 2% in 1990, measured by the EPA. Growth rate (900%) expected to increase in the next 10 decade. Total current market size=7,477,096; we expect a market share of 5% = 373,854 consumers with.
We are working on transitioning into an injection modeling manufacturing process an therefore we need 300k to cover start-up tooling and material costs in exchange for 25% equity.
Our financial projections indicate that our break-even point will occur in July 2012. By 2017 we expect Revenues of $13 million, Operating Income of $1 million and a Company Valuation of $6.8 million resulting in a return on investment of 469%.
Competitive Advantage
The market for food scrap recycling is just emerging so there are few existing solutions. Current methods for storing kitchen scraps and other organic materials include plastic, metal and ceramic countertop crocks, large plastic boxes, worm bins and high-tech compost processors. Competing brands include, Busch Systems, RSVP International, Crate & Barrel, Norpro, Burpee, BioBag, Achla, Sure-Close, Mr. Eco, Green Cycler, Nature Mill, and Bokashi.
Our patent pending product is the only container equipped with a mechanism that seals and unseals a disposable liner by taping a foot pedal or turning a hand lever. This unique technology allows consumers to store objectionable waste in a ziplock-type bag without needing to handle the bag between uses, therefore, lessoning the work, worry and frequency of bag changes.
Use of financing
The investment will be used to cover tooling and initial material costs.
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