94 Unit Condo Development Project

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

Seeking phase 1 funding for joint venture partnership for development of a Condo Project in New York. Seeking $700,000 for phase 1 and the investor that funds the project will receive a return of investment $4 million over a 3 year period. If you are interested in a lucrative return on your money contact me on Merar.

Will be building affordable housing for the students that attend the University nearby and also for locals.

This is in an upscale neighborhood, very desireable location. I have done previous joint venture projects and they have been successful for the investors receiving a lucrative return on their investment.

With this project the return on a $700,000 investment would bring the investor $4 million within 3 years. Phase1 will produce the funding needed for phase2 and so forth, the project will pay for itself with the inital start up fund of $700,000.

Competitive Advantage

Please contact me to describe my project in more detail and why this is an attractive investment. Do not want to place my business plan, executive summary on this site, but if you send a message to me on Merar I will send you all the information on the project and a draft of the condos to be built.

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