Organic Farming in India Seeks Investors

Opportunity Snapshot

  • Country: India India
  • Industry: Agriculture
  • Stage: Start-up
  • Investment size: $400,000 / min. $304,000

Investment Opportunity

The aim of this investment project is to develop low-cost organic farm, naturally capable to cover thousands of acre's without using any chemical or biological fertilizers. We are aiming to produce vegetables, papaya, drumstick, etc.

Increasing population to some extent and capitalization in the second half of 20th century forced to develop shortcuts and fast output systems. Accordingly modern agricultural production has developed in a direction contrary to the requirements of productive and sustainable ecosystems for cohesiveness and functional diversity. The aim of this development is two-prong approach increase Yield consistently year on year and secondly ensure the sustainable Ecosystem.

Green revolution (which primarily focuses on Use of fertilizers and Pesticides) was considered as alternate for sustainable un till recent years, it was realized that has been a failure in multifold i.e. It has led to reduced genetic diversity, increased vulnerability to pests, soil erosion, water shortages, reduced soil fertility, micronutrient deficiencies, soil contamination, reduced availability of nutritious food crops for the local population, the displacement of vast numbers of small farmers from their land, rural impoverishment. The main beneficiaries have been the agrochemical industry, large petrochemical companies, manufacturers of agricultural machinery, dam builders and large landowners

Organic farming was developed as alternate farming & said it is sustainable farming relies on fundamental techniques such as crop rotation, green manure, compost, biological pest control, and mechanical cultivation to maintain soil productivity and control pests on a farm. It strictly avoids use of Synthetic fertilizers, synthetic pesticides etc. This organic farming also has some challenges a) dependency in bio fertilizers b) Input costs are high for year on year with same yield or less, pest management is getting challenge as they get used to artificial pesticides, it emits larger amount of co2 which causes bad effect on climate and over all is also not retaining the echo system on the other hand it is impacting adversely the same.

Natural Farming Method is one step above current followed organic farming method. This is traditionally followed before the green revolution religiously; it focuses primarily on soil fertility. It stands on the fundamental principle that Nature in its generosity provided required echo system & nutrients for the plant to grow, Least expected from the nature is to understand Echo system replicate the same in the farm, for doing this we don’t need to buy anything from outside (I.e. fertilizers and Pesticides from outside), which not just results in cutting down the input cost by multifold, increasing the yield of the crop but also ensure that this is sustainable.

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Competitive Advantage

a) Avoiding of external inputs saves at least of 28%-30% of the input cost when compared with Chemical farming this will help in aggressively pricing the product

b) Multi layer cropping focuses on the concept that all the expenses incurred during the crop management are absorbed by intercrop and Main crop revenue is your Bonus ex: if your main crop is papaya and intercrop is Drumstick, chilli, Ginger and turmeric, all the expense we incurred we will get it from inter crop and money from Main crop will be you Bonus.

c) By using natural input & focusing on richness of the soil, we are assured that yield increases year on year by default and is sustainable

d) As prices of Vegetable/fruits are highly fluctuating in the market with Multi layer cropping plan we are de-risking the impact due sudden drop in prices.

e) Other advantage of Multiplayer crop mixing plan include the limitation of outbreaks of crop pests (some plants act as natural pesticides against other crops’ pests) while rotation protects against endemic pests; the protection of biodiversity; a better and richer nutrition.

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