Opportunity Snapshot
- Country: India
- Industry: Education, Training
- Stage: Expansion/Growth
- Investment size: $15,000,000 / min. $5,000,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
This is an investment project to facilitate technical education and training for all people. We want to provide skilled job oriented training.
SRIJIME is an Educational Agency with aim and objective to facilitate Technical Education and Training and now running in profit for last 14 years. This agency is registered with IT Act 12AA and allows the investor the profit and exempted for paying IT which is an added advantage. SRIJIME is an Educational Agency with aim and objective to facilitate Technical Education and Training to all in the Society, specially for the meritorious student in the disadvantageous position, sponsored by SRIJAGANNATH CULTURAL TRUST, a State level trust duly registered under the Indian Trust Act 1876, with its Registered Office at Jagatpur, Cuttack - 754021.and has been certified by ISO as well has received multiple awards from Government of India as well as State Govt. for its Activities in managing the Colleges , providing Training and placement of the Students in various fields.
Now Srijime with an idea already approved by the Government of India proposes to start a Techno Campus( An deemed University for Technical Education) in Orissa, India for which we have acquired land, started Infrastructure required for going into construction work for the Techno Campus, availed all necessary legal permissions and have invested about $4,500,000 USD. The Total Project cost will be $17,500,000 USD and we need a Project Finance of $15,000,000USD for Construction of Building, acquiring Lab equipment, Furniture Fixtures and other Fixed Assets.
You are now requested to kindly let us know whether you will be interested for financing the Project and if so kindly give your Terms and condition for further negotiation in the matter.
Competitive Advantage
Demand – Supply Scenario for Engineering Courses In Orissa
In Orissa, the main Location Cuttack is located 38 Km. from Bhubaneswar. There are at present 69 Diploma Engineering colleges in Orissa with total intake capacity of 24000 students. Students requiring diploma-engineering education are referred to colleges outside the State.
Scope for Higher Education in Orissa
This may not be out of place to mention here that, the entry level qualification for Diploma Engineering is simply 10th pass. Considering the present position during 2009, 376,856 students have passed 10th Standard from Board of Secondary Education Orissa 27364 students in Orissa have passed from CBSE and 16754 students from Orissa have passed from ICSE Schools. Taking together about 4,30,000 students have passed their 10th standard. Scope for Higher education for those students is very much limited.
As per the entry level qualification scope is as follows: In 187 +2 colleges of Orissa Total Seats Available 156200 In 275 ITI Schools of Orissa Total Seats Available 26,300 And in existing Diploma Engineering Colleges Total Seats Available 24,000 Considering the total pass out of Entry level qualification hardly 50% students are getting seats for higher Education after passing 10th Standard.
Students Opting Higher Education at UG level
As per the present days scenario Other than the students opting for higher Education to UG Level , technical Education and Vocational Training/Poly Technician are only fit in the society for survival for which till date the scope is limited. On account of lack of Diploma Engineering colleges, students have to be referred to colleges outside the State.
Insufficient Engineering Educational Infrastructure in State
The existing education facilities in the state are minimal and there is acute need of diploma engineering colleges. During 2007/2008 as well as 2009 also almost 80-90% seats are full in all Diploma Engineering Colleges of Orissa and the reason for vacancy of 10-20% vacancy does not attributes to the demand of Diploma Engineering rather it is due to lack of demands in certain Branches in Engineering i.e. sometimes the demand in traditional courses like Mechanical / Electrical / Civil etc. rises and in some period of time Electronics/Computer Science as well as Information Technology rises.
Sri Jagannath Cultural Trust with intake capacity of 360 students therefore is expected to have good prospects as they have chosen the branches by mixing up both traditional as well as modern Engineering and expect similarly in getting adequate number of students to service about 100% of Capacity Utilization.
Rationale for the deal
Students and Parents Passed 10th Standard every ear about 3,50,0000 and with the growth Rate of Population it will go still higher. The total availability of seats is much less that are 57,000 in Engineering in the State. Hence there is demand of another 100 institution of this size in the state.
Use of financing
The funds will be used for creating new infrastructure required for the institution, acquiring furniture and fixture as well as the lab, and equipment required for the technical education.
Opportunity for the investor
We are looking for debt investment for a period of 10 years.
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