Bio-Pharma Formulation Plant Looking for Debt or Equity Investment

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

The investor can realize his invested money within a period of 4 years, along with 17% interest and profit. This is a lifelong business. Every three years, there is an opportunity to increase the income by 20%. We are expecting the investment in the form of loan or equity. All the formalities with Government for getting permission to execute the project are completed.

Project Proposal:

Project title: Bio-pharmaceutical formulation plant
Location: Bangalore (Industrial Area)
Project cost: approximate 100 crores INR
Budget Source: Investors and Bank Finance
Amount requested from investors: 80 crores INR
Duration: Two years for development and implementation
Business scope/Objectives:
• Formulation of general and anticancer injectable drugs production and marketing of all those products
• Export & import of all drugs
• Contract research and contract manufacturing of Pharma and Biopharma products
• Drug development, analytical method development, stability studies, validations and DMF making of all Pharma and Biopharma products

Company Profile:

The company is registered as a formulation plant (manufacturing unit). The type of business is production & contract manufacturing. Core activities are manufacturing of Pharma and Biopharma products.

The company’s Director has experience of 20 years in the Pharma industry. He has worked in NACTO, JUGGAT Pharma & Sanjeevini Life Science. He has wide experiences in formulation development and scaling up and recently obtained a PhD on liposomes.

The ownership/control will be divided between the financer or investor and the technical experts.

Our priority issue is the Contract Manufacturing of Pharma and Biopharma injectables such as:

• Thrombolytics and anticoagulants
• Cardiovascular drugs & Hypertension treatment drugs
• Oncology products
• Antibiotics
• Hormones
• Steroids
• Other general product categories

Specific Project Objectives:

• To establish State-of-Art Manufacturing centre for Biopharmaceutical Products.
• To develop process and product technologies for manufacturing wide range of proteins and peptide based formulations.
• To commercialize lifesaving medicines and bringing import substitutions as well as export
• High value medicine generation employment and foreign exchange

Competitive Advantage

This is a newly incorporated private limited company. We are having excellent business track record with the concerned Pharma department. We have 20 years of business credibility, good project management knowledge and 20 years of experience in the Pharma R&D and formulation. This our main advantage over competitors.

Rationale for the deal

I am the Managing Director of the company. I am a M Ph., PhD holder. My experience in the Pharma sector and the good relations with the concerned Government department opened the opportunity to my company to start this project.

Use of financing

The investors’ money will be utilized for construction of 40000 sq. feet building, installation of all kinds of machines and equipment, purchase of required vehicles etc.

Opportunity for the investor

The investor can realize his invested money within a period of 4 years, along with 17% interest and profit. This is a lifelong business. Every three years, there is an opportunity to increase income by 20%. We are expecting the investment in the form of loan or equity. All the formalities with Government for getting permission to execute the project are completed. The actual work can start within no time. Construction of the building and installation of the machinery will take minimum one year. The investor doesn’t need to get involved in the project execution. They can enjoy all the benefits without any involvements and manage the money flow according to the need of capital.

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