Extraordinary Wellness Products-Hair Shampoo, Hair Oil and Skin Gel

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

Under my company I am manufacturing three wellness products.
Purpose of investment is to expand in my state fully and expand all over India.

Since 3 years, following products have been manufactured and sold to my patients and network community. Results have been excellent for each products
1. Hair Oil-hair fall, dandruff, and improving texture
2. Hair Shampoo-hair fall, dandruff, and improving texture
3. Skin (Gold Gel)-hyperpigmentation, pimples, eczema
All the three have natural ingredients (plant extract with base).

Target Market
1.Hair Oil-10 years to 50 years especially women, middle class and above. MRPrice for 100 mL bottle is 200 INR.
2. Hair Shampoo-hair fall, dandruff, and improving texture-10 years to 50 years especially women, middle class and above. MRPrice for 100 mL bottle is 150 INR.
3. Skin (Gold Gel)-hyperpigmentation, pimples, eczema-10 years to 50 years men and women, middle class and above. MRPrice for 30 g pack is 100 INR.

Revenues: Net Margin is 25% for each product.

Business Goals and expected outcomes
-Best Product in its category in India within 5 years.
-Achieve a sales target of 200,000 pieces in each of them within 2 years.
-TO of 3.0 crs within 2 years and EBIDTA of 15%.

Progress on the project
Currently 200 bottles of each category are consumed each month.

Project Timeline
identify and produce samples for Dealers/stockist | Medical Stores (Retailers)
within 6 months for Entire Gujarat-10,000 samples@50 INR-500,000 INR p.a.
- Online, FM, and Newspaper AD-Approx 10,00000 INR p.a.
To achieve 100000 pieces @avg 150 INR -1.5 cr TO in first year and then expand rapidly to achieve 3.0 crs.

Competitive Advantage

1. Genuine wellness product giving immediate result in 30 days in each product category.
2. Very large customer base -mid of pyramid with very high acceptability of new products.
3. Quick moving products with 30 days payment cycle by dealers and retailers. Online mode workable.

Rationale for the deal

Market gap
1. Lot of products without safe, permanent treatment and result options. Lots of ads and promises but less results.
2. Genuine results and affordable pricing
3. Experience of 15 years in wellness product segment.

Use of financing

To fund
1. Sample products for dealers, and retailers
2. Advertisement expenses

Opportunity for the investor

Required of approximately 25 lacs in 1 year. Equity-49% available or debt fund-Principal (3 years payback -8.5 lacs + 24% p.a) .

Preferably looking for hands on investor. Silent investor also encouraged.

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