Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Waste Management
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $500,000 / min. $50,000
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity

Investment Opportunity
We are an entrepreneurial social enterprise seeking to establish a chain of affordable clean portable toilets starting from Nairobi, Kenya.
We are starting up an entrepreneurial social enterprise that seeks to establish a chain of affordable clean public toilets, the first one in Nairobi Kenya, later in the other counties across the country, and in the long term in every country in Africa. Our long-term vision is to further create both backward and forward integration strategies for a sustainable sanitation company in Africa. We see our venture becoming the most reputable African company that provide toilets as well as toilet cleaning and maintenance service to the general public as well as public bodies like hospitals, schools and universities.
Stinking toilets, no toilets for women and people relieving their nature in the open space… this image of the African cities will have to be changed with the introduction of our toilets. They will be unbelievably clean, neat and affordable. Functional, well-designed, safe, secure, reliable, and easily accessible, to women, children, elderly and disabled-friendly public comfort solutions, public toilets and restroom facilities are solutions that we hope to provide across Africa. These facilities will have drinking water, round-the-clock power supply, and a 24x7 help desk to handle emergency situations. Strategically placed and easily accessible, the public comfort stations will be Eco-friendly and work on indigenous technology and will be simple to use, clean and hygienic.
Competitive Advantage
Toilet business may not be the most glamorous of industries, but the portable toilet business can be a lucrative enterprise. It is a service industry that will require staff to deliver, retrieve and empty the systems that are leased by the clients. It will require an education on the industry, financing, obtaining equipment, a disposal site, and proper training for the employees to prevent possible health hazards. Our keys to success lie in identification of our business service product attributes and in service production and marketing. Our main service product is sanitation.
• Service product attributes: Our mobile toilets are movable assets and easy to set up and provide great comfort to the consumer.
• Service production: The service product itself consists of a wide range of mobile luxury toilets to accommodate all types of clients and group sizes.
• All our luxury trailers will have down spotlights, vast mirrors in both the ladies and gents cabins, porcelain bathroom furniture, high quality fittings, roof ventilation and heaters for the winter months. We will have a selection of contemporary or classically finished trailers, as well as a carpeted option.
Rationale for the deal
About 2 million people die every year due to diarrhoeal diseases; most of them are children less than 5 years of age. The most affected are the populations in African countries, living in extreme conditions of poverty, normally peri-urban dwellers or rural inhabitants.
Among the main problems which are responsible for this situation are: lack of priority given to the sector, lack of financial resources, lack of sustainability of water supply and sanitation services, poor hygiene behaviours, and inadequate sanitation in public places including hospitals, health centres and schools. As it was found out in Kenya recently, most urban schools do not have pit latrines let alone toilets. Providing access to sufficient quantities of safe water, the provision of facilities for a sanitary disposal of excreta, and introducing sound hygiene behaviours are of capital importance to reduce the burden of disease caused by these risk factors, according to World health Organization (WHO).
Picture this. It’s a nice bright typical Nairobi midday. The sun is out and hot, the temperature is nice and you’re with some of your closest friends having a great time outside. Suddenly nature calls and you have to go to the public bathroom or toilet. You look around, there is none? The closest is some kilometers away. You go to the toilet area, wait till it’s your turn, open the bathroom stall and you are not too happy with what you see there. The smell, the filthy stains and stench, you just cannot hold it. You have to respond to your call of nature anyway, but it is happening in an unpleasant, uncomfortable and unhygienic environment. If only you had an opportunity to use a cleaner public toilet, something that could turn the situation around or to help relieve your feels of environmental discomfort. Would you not wish for a cleaner toilet to hire?
As the case is at the moment, if and when you have to answer that call of nature within the CBD of Nairobi, you have several options. You could pop into a hotel, cafe, pub, restaurant or an office. But when you are received with the no admittance sign because you are not a potential client, you have to go to one of the less than 20 public toilets available in the city centre. And it is during this crucial time of need that more than a million Nairobians who go to the CBD during weekdays, get desperate. The public toilets are congested, dirty and sometimes closed. The only other places available are the dark alleys, deserted lanes or the flowerbeds. But relieving oneself in these places is illegal and a health hazard. This is a predicament many Nairobians face today. It is now certain that Nairobi may be inching closer to a public health crisis following a shortage of public toilets across the city. Yet, an attempt to forestall the imminent public sanitation problem in the last few months has turned messy as county leaders fight over who should control the waste industry.
Opportunity for the investor
We are offering investors to explore an investment opportunity in Kenya that is both economically and socially rewarding.
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