Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Publishing
- Stage: Expansion/Growth
- Investment size: $20,000 / min. $20,000
Investment Opportunity
We are SMEP PUBLISHING CO. OF NIGERIA LTD, one of the leading publishing companies in the Federal Republic of Nigeria. We are education boosters publishing variety of fast-selling education books. Our Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning books are the best and most widely-used throughout the country. We also publish Nursery books which are very popular as well.
The titles of our books are as follows:
A-Z Verbal Reasoning Pathfinder ---------- (Book 1-6) ·
A-Z Quantitative Reasoning Pathfinder ---------- (Book 1-6) ·
A-Z ABC for Nursery Schools ------------- (Book 1-2) ·
A-Z 123 for Nursery Schools ------------- (Book 1-2) ·
A-Z Mastering English for Nursery Schools ------------- (Book 1-2) ·
A-Z Mastering Mathematics for Nursery Schools ------------- (Book 1-2) ·
A-Z Better Grammar for Primary Schools ------------ (Book 1-6)
We are looking for a publishing outfit abroad to go into partnership with us to continue publishing these books. All of them are widely bought and read. We can attach and mail you all the cover pages of these books, so that you check them one by one. You can also invite us to bring samples over there and discuss how we are going to go about it. This is a good and profitable business. We believe we can do this business together.
We are looking forward to hear from you soon.
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