Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Agriculture
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $50,000 / min. $20,000
- ROI: 80% in 5 years
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
I am a small farmer in the city of Sahiwal, looking for an investor to start a cow farm of Sahiwal breed, which is the best breed for milk and meat production.
Livestock is a profitable business in Pakistan nowadays, and will become a strong industry in near future.
Due to major developmental changes taking place over last two decades, the dairy sector of Pakistan has attained the status of an industry. This industry has such a great attraction that investors not only from Pakistan but also across the world are rushing towards it and the number of dairy set ups are increasing day by day.
Today's dairy farming in Pakistan is based on most modern lines touching the international standards. To keep pace with this rapid development, it is necessary to make the availability of information and guidance regarding modern dairy farming to everyone through all available means including internet. Internet is the easiest, quickest and cheapest medium to disseminate information.
Sahiwal cattle lives in parts of districts Sahiwal, Okara, Pakpattan, Multan, and Faisalabad in Punjab. The breed is named after Sahiwal district, which is part of its home tract.
Physical Characteristics:
• This breed is medium-sized, and has a fleshy body.
• Females have reddish dun colour; males may have a darker colour around the orbit, neck, and hindquarters.
• Males have stumpy horns; females are often dehorned.
• Ears are medium-sized and drooping.
• Skin is loose and fine with a voluminous dewlap and sheath.
• The hump in the male is massive, but in the female it is nominal.
• The tail ends in a black switch.
Exotic Breeds
• The udder is large and strong and occasionally has white patches.
• This is tick resistant breed because its skin naturally keeps on shivering
• Milk yield is 1500-2200 litres per lactation with a fat content of 4.5 %.
• Adult males weigh 400-500 kg, while females weigh 300 to 350 kg. Males having body weight of more than 1000 kg have also been documented.
• Average lactation length is 235 days
• Age at first calving is 45 months
• Service period is 155 days
• Dry period is 205 days
• Calving interval is 440 days
• Gestation period is 285 days
Sahiwals are in great demand in several Asian and African countries. They have also been exported to Australia.
Use of financing
I will start a dairy farm, I already own some agricultural land and need money to build shed and buy animals.
Opportunity for the investor
For this purpose I need an investor who can provide minimum $20,000 USD on partnership basis at a 40:60 ratio in profit for five years.
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