Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Entertainment, Leisure, Film, Music, Sport
- Stage: Initial growth (first revenues)
- Investment size: $90,000 / min. $20,000
- Type of investment: Debt
Investment Opportunity
The investment project is about producing 3d animated series that will attract audience of kids and adults alike. Funds will be utilized in Production and Distribution.
The aim of the project is to provide entertainment and produce unique content for viewing, thus satisfying peoples hunger for something fresh and with a twists within story.
The series is not country, culture or gender specific but rather set in a neutral tone and deals with basic human needs to survive but all this happens in a comedic fashion.
The revenue will be generated from this animated series via youtube relaying of content that will be generate revenue based on how many hits the episode gets and plus we also wish to pursue branding of content that can be aired on tv channels such as pogo or cartoon network.
The project itself presents good investment opportunity because it will allow exposure, investment returns which can double or triple based on viewership and will present an opportunity for licensing of characters for other mediums such as toys, games and mobile applications.
The investment project currently is at a concept and art development stage. Once funding is received the pilot with 3d animation and production of animated episodes will start. We will be able to produce and start uploading content for revenues generation on the internet. The initial production cycle of asset development will take 2 months. After which animated series will be made and 3d rendered for audience viewing. We aim to release one episode every week after 3d assets have been developed.
We plan to propagate and market this animated series via social media network and mobile marketing.
Interested investors can contact us on Merar for more information.
Competitive Advantage
• Low cost destination (in comparison to Asia, EU, US)
• Innovation Access
• Human Resource Availability
• Unique Concept
• Close market access to Middle East, Asia, Central Asia
• Quality Animation
• Experienced Senior Member Team
Rationale for the deal
This is an age where distribution of content is no longer a big problems, since the advent of the internet has come, we stand in a position to capture a market share that can grow and being one of the few initial start ups that are focused towards capturing an audience following through web content portals we are confident in achieving our objectives.
Once our online viewership increases advertisers will be more than interested in having their brands placed on our youtube channel for people to view. Their are entities such as Rainmaker Entertainment that is slowly moving to this direction and we stand in a position to catch and expedite our own growth.
Use of financing
• Financing will be utilized for production and marketing.
• The asset development stage of the animated series production will require personnel and staff so the production of assets can be made. Plus continuous animation and production of episodes will require animation staff for its regular production which will initially be sustained by financing and afterwards revenue generation. Thus forming a self-sustaining business model.
• Our desired investment schedule is for direct investment or availability of funds for three months and afterward expectation of revenue generation after two months of releasing episodes for public.
Opportunity for the investor
We will pay investors 20% of the profit per year.
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