Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
South Africa
- Industry: Education, Training
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $25,000 / min. $25,000
Investment Opportunity
To start a preschool where children may receive developmental stimulation as well as being looked after in a happy and pleasant social situation with children of a similar age.
The first seven years of a child’s life is extremely important in a child’s development, for this is when the foundation is laid for later learning. A learning programme will run on different themes though out the year. The programme is based on sound theoretical principles of learning through activities – activities that enable children to fully experience and cognitively structure their worlds. Educators encourage the learners to discover for themselves through active experimentation. This allows the children to increase their vocabulary and develop language skills. Children learn from handling concrete objects, manipulating them, experimenting with them and using their senses to find out about them. The theme programme contains all the essential concepts of the school readiness programme. The school readiness programme allows the children to equip themselves with the fundamentals so that they are ready for formal schooling. My aim is to bring the child to actualisation. This means developing the whole child in totality.
In today’s society there has been an increase of both parents having to enter the job market, thereby looking for an education / care facility to look after their child. ‘A home away from home’. This is my target market. Having worked in a few preschools and now a principal of one, I have seen how many parents are turned away because preschools are full. There is and am sure will always be a demand for preschools.
Most schools operate with the same times as normal business hours, putting undue stress on parents. They also either do not offer meals or one meal at the school. I want to offer opening and closing hours for parents who work early /late shift, offer 4 meals (breakfast, am/pm snack, and lunch), holiday care, and after school care for primary learners. This will take away the stress of parents worrying about their children as we will be a school of drop off and collect and everything else is supplied.
The school will compromise of 5 classes (aged 2-6 years). We will employ 5 teachers, 5 assistants, 1 cook/cleaner, 1 receptionist. All the teachers must have a ECD qualification and all assistants in the process of studying towards one. I will be finishing my B.Ed degree at the end of this year. The school will be registered with all the relevant departments such as Department of Social Services, DOE, Health Department and Local Authorities.
The business has not yet secured premises yet as finance has to be obtained first to be able to secure it. The business is at the initial start-up, where I have the expertise and knowledge of running the school and needing an investor to invest in my business venture. I am offering 50% of the profits to the investor. As well as giving the children a good education and professionally being able to run the business, it is a very profitable business.
Investors can contact us on Merar.
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