DCFEM Distributors cc Start-up

Opportunity Snapshot

Investment Opportunity

DCFEM Distributors cc is a company that intends to import male latex condoms for sale and distribution in sub-Saharan Africa with an initial focus on South Africa. A major target market of the business is corporate companies that have a HIV/Aids awareness programme and implement their HIV programmes through the provision of reliable condoms.

The motivation for this business is based on a feasibility study carried out over a 12-month period within South Africa that noted that the use of condoms as an approved and recommended medical device for the prevention of unplanned pregnancies as well as against sexually transmitted disease is now universally accepted. Intensive awareness campaigns by Government, NGO’s, industry and the private sector have made all sections of the population appreciate the real value of using condoms. The HIV pandemic in Southern Africa has also brought with it an urgent need for preventative measures - seeing that at this point in time there is no cure for the disease and that the prevalence of the disease is yet to plateau at a potential carrier rate of 45%. Clearly such a threat requires a holistic approach to stem the spread of the disease and in this regard prevention through the use of condoms plays a pivotal role.

The aim of this business plan is to provide our key stakeholders with a picture of how we intend to get the business operational and to demonstrate the financial success that this business can achieve given the right investor support. The business plan to follow will discuss the organisation’s vision, mission, values, and structure, followed by analyses of the environment, market, competition, products, and internal management and control systems. In the appendices of the business plan the reader can find our projected financial statements for the next five years, along with information on sales projections.

Competitive Advantage

In summary, DCFEM’s competitive advantage is then two-dimensional:

1. Sole provider to corporate customers.
2. Large variety of high quality products.

The positioning of the company in the male latex condom market when coupled with its competitive advantage indicates that DCFEM is well set to become a high potential, low risk business.

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