Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
South Africa
- Industry: Tourism, Recreation
- Stage: Seed
- Investment size: $15,000,000 / min. $5,000,000
- Type of investment: Equity
Investment Opportunity
Our organisation seeks to construct a 130 birth River Front Lodge with a Water Sports Park of Olympic standards. We are seeking seed finance through.
We need venture capital for a self powered venue completely off the National power grid, with water wheel powered turbines and eco deisel Generators for power & solar and geo-thermal heated water.
The aim of this project is to utilise my existing Land, 6.5 acres of river front property to construct a 130 birth self powered lodge, constructed from recycled and pre-fabricated subtances. The lodge will facilitate river front challets, dorms, a caterting venue with bar, a full soundproof submerged venue for music and events, a large eventing and leisure swimming pool, jaccuzi, sauna, steam baths, a mini spa & gym, and sky baths.
The power for the lodge and the park will be generated from a giant water wheel which will charge a turbine to create electricity. All the hot water for the venue will be created through solar pannels and geo-thermal piping.
To accompany the lodge we will construct a man made white water run to facilitate all associated water sports with this type of park. The projected ROI is 10 years from initial investment. We are willing to enter into a serious partnership with the potential investor.
This will be an investment with great growth pertential, ideally situated just north of 11 million people, and bordering a world heritage site, within a 100 km drive of 2 major airports.
The project is ready to be constructed with a short delay in re-registering the title deed and confirming joint ownership of the land, all plans and EIA have been done, as well as a full business plan with projected figures and expenses.
So the funding will be needed to secure the partnership, develope the existing land, buy out my ex-partners share in the land, and complete the development.
Investors can contact us on Merar.
Competitive Advantage
The area of the market that this project will be targeted at is wide open as no such park exsists on the continent of Africa, so this will be the first one.
By developing this project Now and trying to complete the lodge before the december holidays of this year, we will capitalise on the summer water sports scene.
This advantage is sustainable and any competitors that decide to build the same type of park will not have our unique site and perminant water supply so close to the major cities of Johanessberg and Pretoria.
Rationale for the deal
We already own the necessary land and we only need a financial partner.
The park will generate business through the Lodge, with all its various facilities, Training and teaching through various sport disiplines.
The spectators at the various sporting events.
Similar projects around the world make from US$ 40000 - US$ 500000/ year.
Use of financing
The investment will be firstly used to:
- secure the New title deed holdings of the Partnership;
- develop the lodge with its ECO self power, then finish the development off with the construction of the water sports park.
I need a new partner as my ex-partner has different business ethics and ideas owing to the untimly breakdown of our 15 year Friendhip/partnership.
The desired investment installments are :
- Initial Interest and registration of newly formed Partnership = US$750 000
- Stage 1: the development of the lodge, as well as the complete acquisition of my ex partners land as well = US$5 000 000
- Stage 2 : the development of the Water Sports Park = US$6 250 000.
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