Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Energy, Natural Resources, Mining
- Stage: Initial growth (first revenues)
- Investment size: $100,000,000 / min. $50,000,000
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity
Investment Opportunity
The Business is currently searching for capital to set up a solar power farm, procure equipment, pay up for some initial operating costs.
Solar Energy is a kind of clean and effective new energy which contributes to reduce the air and environmental pollution. It is the high grade and renewable energy in low-carbon economy, solar power generation technology is to transform solar energy into renewable and green electricity, whose development closely influence the progressive pace of low-carbon economy. We want to develop hich-tech industry which is green, low carbon and energy conservation. Solar power station is a kind of a new generating system ,whose construction period is short,maintenance cost is low.It has no geographical limitations and completely obeys the rules the sustainable development and cyclic economy
The team shall consist of system designers, a project managers or general contractor, an equipment supplier of major components, a system installer, a system maintainer. One individual or entity will serve more than one role. Authoritative evidence that project team service providers have the necessary professional credentials or relevant experience to perform the required services . Authoritative evidence that vendors of proprietary components can provide necessary equipment and spare parts for the system to operate over its design life.
-Construct and operate a solar facility of producing up 800mw of electricity which will help meet demand for clean renewable electrical power-Operate the facility at a location that ranks amongst the highest in solar resource potential in the nation -Will not produce noise, emit any greenhouse gases, minimizes water useThe project would employ the use of photo –voltaic PV power systems to connect solar energy into electricity using non-reflective technology. At build-out, the proposed project would facilitate the generation of up to ( 100-300) mw of alternative Ac on a daily basis. Annually the project would generate up to 1920000(or2400000) megawatts .The project facilities would provide maximum electrical output during daytime hours, which corresponds with peak energy demands associated with air conditioning use during the summer months. The peak period closely corresponds with the time period where the peak solar energy and solar insolation values are the highest for the project study area.The solar generating portion of the project study area is located on privately owned ,undeveloped agricultural area in Mutoroshanga Northern Eastern/Southern and Southern part of Zimbabwe.
Competitive Advantage
The available of expertise to run and sustain the growth of the business
-Availability of experienced mentors for the business
-plenty of sunshine
-low costs of maintenance and easy to construct
-availability of the land
-partnering with solar gurus makes it easier for us
- potential clients eg Mines,Cities
-Zesa ( parastatal)to assist us as we will use its lines to transport our electricity
Rationale for the deal
Potential customer is Government through parastatal organization ZESA as it is relying on importing electricity from other countries
-Mines, Cities, Farmers,Manufacturing companies and exporting
Use of financing
The project is seeking for 50m-500million USA dollars + to kick start the projects
We will pay back the money back in twelve years at 6percent- and the investor will have stake of 15 percent in the project and also is required to bring his expertise in the project.We provide the cash flow projections.
Opportunity for the investor
We be negotiated
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