Opportunity Snapshot
- Country:
- Industry: Tourism, Recreation
- Stage: Start-up
- Investment size: $500,000 / min. $400,000
- ROI: 50% in 3 years
- Type of investment: Debt, Equity
Investment Opportunity
An Equity or a Debt investment is being sought to invest in a Unique Conservation, Research and Eco tourism Project in Zimbabwe.
Objective of Project
To conserve ten of Africa's smallest antelopes though Eco tourism
Target market
Photographers, Researchers
Business goals and expected outcomes
1) Eco Tourism
Around these ten pygmy antelopes Africa's most challenging and richest wildlife competition will be born. It will be a real iron-men/women contest. The aim is to turn the photographic safari experience into a high end extravaganza.
2) Conservation and Research
Five of these species namely Natal red duiker, Sharpes grysbok, Klispringer, Oribi and Suni are rated globally threatened according to the IUCN Red List. The status of the other five antelopes is unknown.
There is needed to investigate their biology and ecology in order that appropriate management strategies could be developed and implemented in the future to save these antelopes from extinction. Research will be needed in order to identify and determine growth rates, feed efficiency, reproductive rates, habitat preference and resource utilization, density estimates and home range sizes in addition to determining the role these antelopes play in structuring vegetation communities.
Revenue generation model
Photographers will be welcomed throughout the year will be paying premium prices in order to contest in this unique contest and income is projected to surpass that of some hunting establishments.
As highlighted above a lot of research work needs to be done hence it’s one of the major income generating source.
Competitive Advantage
The greatest advantage is that we will be the pioneers of a venture like this and of this magnitude.
Rationale for the deal
All these antelopes are found in Southern Africa (of which eight are found in Zimbabwe). 5000 acres of virgin mountainous land that has perennial streams is available for this venture. There is also an vast opportunity of breeding other high value animals like sable, roan, eland on the same piece of land.
Use of financing
Finance will be used to buy the animals stoke, fence the farm, build accommodation, a dam and working capital.
Opportunity for the investor
I am looking for investment to start up the project and ready to discuss both debt and equity funding. Business plan/proposal can be availed to interested investors.
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